by Atom
4 July 2022
I'm sat in Westminster Cathedral on set for the new Ridley Scott film about Napoleon. I’ve got some time so it seems more than a bit fitting to sit and ponder God. Brought up a devout atheist from a young age, the question of God and its being, never really interested me ‘cause as far as I could see, it wasn’t real. The Christians claimed that God was all knowing and all loving, and as an empathetic youth I could clearly see that if God loved us, it was doing a pretty bad job of helping us to feel and understand that love. Note here, my lack of gender pronouns for this thing called God. Labelling it up one way or another is divisory and I don’t think we need more of that now do we? Anyway, back to to the point. God, what is it? Im not here to argue that it is or isn’t real, I’m not trying to tell you what to believe, only what I believe, or at least begin to see. Because belief is a long winding road and, as already stated, my road to heaven started in the pits of hell. So, about late teens, early twenties I managed to break a cycle of ignorance started in my childhood. Not ignorance in a negative sense, I’ve always cared, most of my life too much. I wasn’t ignorant of virtuous teachings, I’m sure most humans by now understand that being kind to others is the only real way forwards in our lives and as a species, but I was ignorant of the bigger picture. The ‘Gods Plan’ if you will. I stumbled on God actually while reading about ancient aliens, old ‘Gods’. A beautiful picture was painted of the earliest civilisations and their worship of beings far greater in understanding than themselves. The kings were ‘righteous shepherds’ everyone was equal and everything worked fine. Lovely isn’t it? But just like most of history it all came to a crashing end. War and disease ripped apart the first culture and left in its wake a new culture of masculine dominance. Kings were now conquerers, no longer here to shepherd, but to take land and reign supreme. Not sure how that happened because it's a pretty dramatic shift in dynamic, however, Marduk and Babylon appear to be at the heart of it. I’m getting a little off topic. So I found amongst the aliens, God itself, or at least how to find it. There was this one God right, Ningishzidda to the Sumerians, Quetzocoatl to the Aztecs, Thoth to the Egyptians and Hermes Trismegitus to the Greeks. The Thrice God. This being, be whatever that may be, was accredited some pretty amazing stuff. Of bringing poetry and the arts to the people, of great sciences and the earliest luna calendars, and most notably, The Hermetica. The teachings of this book inspiring the renaissance artists to create some of the most important examples of Art the world has ever known. It was in these pages I found the first ideas that allude to a God. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you what’s in the book, if you’re interested, go read it, but what I will say is it portrays the universe in a way that speaks of God. Just like in Buddhism, all things are God, as well as everything that isn’t. It outlines the fundamental principles of the universe. Things, that when you actually think about it are pretty obvious, like Polarity for example. All things are on scales between two poles of absolutes. Hot/cold, light/dark, men/women, you get the gist. What’s not so obvious are the scales themselves. Like what scale does my empty coffee cup fall on? Maybe its empty on the empty/full scale. Seeing that there were indeed fundamentals that nature seems to follow suggests the existence of a God, for if there are rules, what set them? I always keep a healthy dose of skepticism to my study of life, and of God. Belief, to me, does seem necessary to reap the rewards of a higher plane, however discovery can only be made when doubt is allowed into the frame. Did the Catholic church not have the aptly named Saint Thomas, the doubter. Who doubted Christs resurrection and was canonised after jamming his fingers in to poor old Jesus’ spear wound. To approach spirituality as a science is something I think we miss in todays quest for truth. We have a world of believers and non believers and very few in-between trying to view the world objectively, and to try to prove through tangible parameters, things that people commonly assume impossible. Seek and ye shall find, but none will coz they know not what they are looking at. So, everything is God right? The table, the laptop, the coffee and the cup. I am, you are, everybody is and nobody is. A star is, so is a planet, all the stuff in between is and everything beyond our shallow perception of existence. Pretty simple right? All and nothing. Yet still there must be stages to the scale. See if there’s an overall God mind then its pretty brutal. It seems to specialise in fear and misery, and as much as there is beauty and hope in the world, the balance is always in favour of destruction and decay. How can this be right? I see the answer to this in the way we dream. So you’re asleep. Dreaming away about some mad stuff and in that moment you are in the dream but also creating the dream in your unconscious mind. You are everything in the dream. The classroom, the pupils and teachers, and the clothes you’ve forgotten to wear for school that day, to reference a common nightmare. All these things are creations by your mind as you sleep. You are unaware that you are creating these things and also experiencing them as a playable character. This to me is what our reality is. This is how God can be everything, it’s all created in a universal mind. Now, just as in the dream you are unaware you are creating the dreamscape, perhaps the God we talk of is unaware of our existence in its eternal unconsciousness. Is it too much of a stretch of the imagination? But that raises the question of, ‘what is the spirit?’ Because if the One God is blissfully sleeping, what keeps things under control in real time? Well, not time per se, as we material beings are the only things bound by this constraint. But like angels and demons, Boddisatva’s and Buddah’s, Jesus’, Oni and Yokai. These are things humans have experienced forever. Where are they on the scale of God? Using the principle of polarity I discovered something which I believe the church in all its power doesn’t want people to know. That we are the opposite end of the God scale and are therefore Gods ourselves. I know. Sacrilege right? They say we are made in the image but I believe that we are made as Gods. The problem with people is that most of them display no virtuous characteristics. The many spoil it for the few. But to understand the principles and to practise faith is to walk in the steps of the Godhead is it not? Jesus was the son of God but aren’t we all children of God? Maybe we are Gods in the sense that we are so opposite to God that we actually come full circle. Just as ice can burn and you can have black light. The opposites of the scale are in essence pure versions of themselves and each other. We have been given a gift as conscious beings to learn what it is to be God, not just to go “its a bearded dude. He lives in the clouds. Job done, what’s the next philosophically enormous question I can answer with two points?”. We have to learn how it works and the more we do the more it presents itself to us. So feel it and practise your Godliness. Just don’t go around telling people you’re a God or people will throw you in with Kanye and you’ll be trying to figure out how to eat with your hands tied behind your back in a straight jacket before you’ve had a chance to say ‘let there be light’. Re cap. God, the unconscious mind. I think the Buddhists call it the Brahman but it’s been a while since I read anything like that. It’s everything and nothing. God, us. We walk this earth as creators and destroyers bringing things into manifestation through our link to the God mind, through our minds. Made in the same image and all that. God, everything in between. The spiritual aspect of our existence, all the ghosts and ghouls, angels and demons. Also Gods because they transcend our realities and time. They are capable of great understanding and power, influence and manifestation. What they don’t have was the greatest gift given to humans. Free will. They serve in heaven, its our duty to rule in hell. It's your choice what kind of ruler you become. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The Thrice God. Walk the earth as its vessel. Choose love.